
This is a continuation of my blogs dated June 17, 2007. I call this BLOGadags because of the misadventures and the sojourn trip with my cousins. I met my cousin Ricky at Cebu International Airport...and I have this gut feeling or I may say I already assumed that I am going to be the nanny of my dearest cousin, well knowing Ricky, I have to change a little of my role to him. In short taga bantay sa gamit ni Ricky :) Ricky had an advance shopping galore in Ayala Cebu...hmmm the power of credit card!!! When Ricky asked me what I want, I thought he would buy something for me...but in my disappointment, he was just asking me if I wanna buy something then I have to pay for my own LOL...grrrrrr...
Upon checking our baggages in Cebu, Ricky just left his back pack at the x-ray machine and just walk through the immigration counter, so I knew it, this would be the beginning of my task...and that is to look after his things :) I simply called him up reminding of his back pack. Then we approached the immigration area for our passport. When we left the immigration counter, for the second time, he left his passport, i got his passport and gave it to him. I really knew it...but I was expecting for that,kinda prepared for that task. When we are about to board the plane, the officer incharge was looking for the boarding pass, I boarded the plane ahead of him because he was stuck in the gate looking for his boarding pass... well what can I say, just smile at him.
Welcome to HOngkong at exactly 12:00 midnight !!! when we arrived the airport, we were so tired and recieved a message from James(hubby of Che) to be quick in claiming the baggages since the last trip of the bus going to kawloon(where our hotel was located) is only until 12:30 am. When I claimed my trolly, I was wondering it already had a red ribbon tied at the zip area, but we hurried up that I just ignored the ribbon. Ricky wanted to drink water but our water was in my trolly, I did not allow him to open my trolly since we are already in the bus station. Ricky was complaining and begging for me to open my trolly but I did not allow him..I know I was being cruel :) In the bus, Ricky found a friend, a chinese who works in the airport. He informed us a lot of things about Hongkong...we did not expect him to be because in the airport when we asked something there, people just ignored us..and here's a chi guy, he was really over accomodating. We wanted to sleep in the bus coz that was already 12:50 am but we just can't coz he was talking and talking about Hongkong and the map. well we appreciated it though. For the last time, Ricky asked me to open my trolly, he was so dead then I allowed him to open it. To my surprise...when I was about to get my key to unlock the zip, I found out I lost the lock! When I opened it... It was not my trolly!!!!!
Ricky just laughed at me...grrrrrrrrr...well I have to clear this to all of you, the trolly was exactly like mine, the colors, the brand and the size. The only difference was the red ribbon tied on it. Do I sound so defensive? And oh my we are halfway to our hotel. I was just thinking... how am I going to change...I have to!!! When we arrived in the hotel, James and Che were waitng for us. Well I opened the trolly and I found out that the owner of that trolly was an old woman... big bra, big panties and clothes were really for an old woman...gosh I cannot use this. So then my ButlerRicky suggested... we will go back to the airport and return the trolly and claim mine...oh my, it is 1 hour and 15 minutes trip from hotel to airport, but I really wanted to get my trolly so we went back at 2:30 am... when we arrived in the airport, the officer in charge told us to wait until 6:30 am...we did not have any choice but to sleep in the airport, was my first time!!! just to kill the time, we looked for the free condoms there, James told us there are free condoms in the airport, but we did not find...Ricky was pissed of with me coz we were soooo tired and all I was thinking was to get that free condoms hahahahaha and another big HAHAHAHAHA...while taking a nap in the airport I realized...of all the words I have told to Ricky about his things and being so carefree ... It all came back to me... so i just sang a song for him... the song of Celine Dion, It's All Coming Back To Me Now :)
On the third day in Hongkong, we went as a group and every time we go out for adventure, Ricky is always lost..hmmm we really didn't know where he goes. He bought a lot of souvineers so we thought he would give those to his friends back in Phils. When he tried to open all the souvineers, all we heard is like this... "This is mine, mine , mine and mine, to my lil sis, and another is mine, to my father and mine... Oh my golly!!! almost all for him!!! hahahahaha...Che was really amazed by the things he bought...well he deserved it, he worked for that :) Patay ang credit card ni Ricky!!! Another thing... Ricky ate a LOT as in a LOT. he really enjoyed eating there. When we bought fish and squid balls, we chose those on a stck, when we handed it to the cook, we were dismayed and so shocked when the cook received the food just by his hands!!! aw!!! just our mouth opened wide...then i told them well just enjoy the food, after all it was really mouth watering....oh I simply love the squidballs with the spicy sauce on it...really amazing! Another funny thing that happaned to Ricky when he tasted the spicy and hot squidballs, he was choked and was teary eyed hahahaha..then a nice chi woman gave him a tissue..hmmm aming cuz talaga and lakas ng appeal sa girls!
We took a lot of pictures with my leg and feet as well as James', Che's and ricky's. It is my new obsession now, I like taking pictures of our feet...well because we had a battered leg and feet there, we spent a lot of time walking from morning to evening. Last night in Hongkong, Ricky and I had some monkey accounting...there were cases that I payed for him then he payed for me so we have to setlle the money before leaving. We ate at cebu and he was the one who payed for it BUT he ordered more food so ofcourse he has to pay more than me...and i said I just had 5 spoons of his soup so i will pay just 1/4 of the price of the soup..Ricky had a big laugh to me...well Ricky, I just want to be fair and equal :) Ricky is my Butler and Photographer...he's really good in finding my perfect angle hahaha well my pictures will give justice for that, all were shooted by Ricky.
And about Che...hmmm Che, u thought I will forget that day when we went for malling and u let us waited for 20 minutes while u were in the Comfort Room. Oh what a great success for you. I had a picture of you after that...I will call that "A woman who just have a real SUCCESS!!!" And James...hmmm you underestimated the thrill of Roller Coaster in Ocean park! When James got off from the Rollor Coaster, He said in a very tiny voice " Ay mao lang to?" hahahaha... mao lang to James but made it made us crazy somehow.
We arrived the the airport 1 hour before departure...again we took our luck to get the free condoms hahahaha...we really wanted to get coz we don't have any presents to our friends in Phils so we just thought will make that as our presents...then again Ricky was lost in the aiport, he said he wants to eat coz he was hungry... we were sooo tensed already coz James, Che and I was already in the departure area, Ricky was not yet there... 15 minutes before bording, still Ricky was not there! James cannot just sit and wait, he went to the entrance and looked for Ricky...and while James was worried, I used the free internet in the airport :) I was emailing my friends, and Che was busy sharing our experiences with the Filipinos there, well how can Che forget telling about Ricky's misadventures. The filipinos there were also worried about Ricky. 2 minutes before the boarding time... Ricky was not yet there...everybody got tensed already. Then after 1 min...oh my we saw Ricky approaching, and all Filipinos just stared at him hahahahaha...Ricky just simply told us, Yeah I know I know...oh what a relief for all of us when we saw him... When we arrived in Cebu, we all reminded him about his things, he might lost it inside the ship on his way back to Cagayan. So what I did was, I brought all his presents for his family, just to make it safe.
We all had fun! And these misadventures made even more fun. It was indeed a nice bonding for us. I thank you for my cousins and James for making it a memorable one.