Mother and Child
Saturday, June 30, 2007

Having a child is a blessing and being a mom is a lot of task and a big responsibility. I would say, it is very fulfilling and rewarding when I see my child growing so adorable and healthy. For mothers, Emotional Availability is very important, it is more than picking them up from school, putting dinner on the table, or squeezing in some "quality time." They also need you to be there emotionally -- and the degree and quality of my communication and connection can play a big part in my child’s confidence, his success in future relationships, even his success in the adult world.
Last night I spent with my friend, we had dinner and a serious long talk about her life and her daughter…being away from her daughter makes her emotionally battered. I can relate and feel how hard to be away from children. God hope that will not happen to me. The longings of affection and love are always there. I don’t know if all moms believe this, but somehow I do believe that wives can always replace husbands but mothers can never replace their children...